Wonder how to use Instagram organic content to make a request for your product or service? Looking for wisdom to build your content strategy?
In this article, you will find ways to use Instagram content to produce greater interest in your product or service.
Why use Instagram for organic marketing and sales?
There are two main reasons for marketers to focus their time and energy on Instagram for organic marketing and sales.
The first is that Instagram is still king when it comes to direct message conversations (DM). DMS is a valuable tool for building relationships and conducting sales conversations and Instagram makes it easy for people to slide to your DM.
Instagram lets you react quickly to the story of Instagram someone instead of actually sending them.
You can give them a thumb, like their content, or share emojis fire and which automatically puts them into your inbox.
So if you sell a product or service, it allows you to have more conversations with your followers.
Instagram DMS also has features that let you send a voice note to someone. You will feel less time to send voice notes rather than sending text and add a personal touch to a conversation.
The second reason Instagram is valuable for organic marketing and sales is that this is a multimedia platform so there are various places for you to post content.
You can make a long-term video for IGTV, bite-sized content for Instagram rolls, posts for feeds, or Instagram stories for the content behind the scenes.
The possibility to involve your audience on Instagram is endless.
Because Instagram offers so many placements, you can also use a lot of content from your other platform to stretch your content further.
General Instagram content errors that must be avoided
To make interesting and round content strategies for Instagram, there are three common mistakes that you want to avoid. This is how to avoid them.
Instagram content performance
Some Instagram marketers make mistakes by focusing too much on pride metrics when they post content.
They may evaluate the success based on their own likes and comments or focus their efforts to create content that can be distributed that becomes viral.
However, it is important to understand that various content can present different goals and how you evaluate their success is not the same. For every womb that you make for Instagram, you need to set goals.
For example, if you post a photo of yourself to give a glimpse of your life, you tend to get more likes and comments than other types of content.
Although this is the involvement of surface levels, those who like and the comments serve important goals: they give you a boost in the Instagram algorithm.
If, on the other hand, your goal is to get shares or save your content, you can post inspirational quotes or infographics.
When you see your analytic for this type of content, it is likely to be less like and comment but significantly more shares and saves, which leads to more reach and visibility.
When you showcase client testimonials in your content, your destination might only get more DMS, more prospects in the pipe, or maybe more clicks on the link in your bio, which will lead to your products and services.
Does the post get enough likes or comments it doesn’t matter because it’s never your goal from the start?
Instagram Caption Length
Writing a Long caption for Instagram first is the best practice but the platform has changed. Instagram now offers various ways to compile and format your content.
If you spend 30 minutes write an extraordinary Instagram title but people only read or not read it at all, it’s not an effective use of your time.
The purpose of each content is to make your audience consume it.
When you publish videos on social media, you want to arrange it in a way that will make people watch to the end – your focus when watching.
In the context of Instagram description, you want to compile your content to increase “read the time.”
If you have a long value-based Instagram description, you want to share, consider turning it into a carousel in a bite-sized piece that is easier to digest.
Write your description in the Notebook application on your mobile or on Google Doc, take the screens’ catch, and cut into pieces that match South Korea.
For the first picture in Carousel, use Vanessa call the “photo feed” method: Select the image you know will perform well with your audience, something that will stop the scroll.
Then for the rest of the slide behind it, use the screenshot you prepared.
In this example, when people swipe carousels, they can scroll content such as slide show or presentation, allowing them to engage with the text and actually read it.
And if certain parts of South Korea really resonate with them, they will re-share it.
For the actual information of the post, keep it. This is not an essay because you save it for South Korea itself. Also, make sure to notify the reader to swipe.
The photo feed method provides the best of both worlds.
With the first slide, you get a pride metric that will increase you in the algorithm, and for remaining South Korea, you have the potential to overcome the community’s objections, handle errors or general myths, and build social evidence.
Keep in mind that you can hide anything outside the first slide, including video testimonials from the client, the screenshot of your sales page or your offer, and so on.
Instagram content strategy
The third mistake that must be avoided is to think that giving everything for free on Instagram will make people buy your product or service.
Many business-based services post high volumes of tutorial-based content where they basically teach people all those paid products and services they are designed to be delivered. \
While continually posting this type of content might give you more views, likes, and followers on Instagram, it doesn’t work from a business perspective.
What you basically do is train your audience to rely on your free content.
Of course, 10 minutes videos, bait posts, or miniseries like Instagram stories will never help someone solve big problems.
And the greater the problem of your product and service try to solve it, the more important it diversifies your content on Instagram.
If you only focus on sharing content ways and not balance it with other types of content that will build a demand for your service, people who consume the content will never develop the need for your paid offers.
They will continue to do it yourself because you train them through your content to constantly expect a solution for free.
Another problem with constantly making freebie content is that you will start attracting people who always expect everything free of you because you really give everything for free.
When you do this, you get your own product or service.
There is no curiosity about what you offer you because you give it all.
In this blog you learn about the Content Marketing With Instagram: How to Build Demand.
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