This is not an article on making your link – or truly anyone – may be hope.
This is not a step-by-step guide to get the best backlink, it’s not a list of hot tips or new opportunities, and it’s not an announcement of some great tools.
What it is, shamelessly, is a window into a brutal slog which is an outreach-based link building.
What can you expect?
- Shout in the capslock.
- Some tips and tricks.
- Cry and sustenance teeth
Besides joking, one of the few aphorisms that I believe is sharing how we do things because SEO is almost never a problem because 99% of people do not have follow-up and resources to make it happen. I want to prove wrong by readers on Moz.
My goal here is to provide a realistic understanding of monotonous slog which is a white-hat-based link building, outreach.
I happen to think that the link making is a perfect sample for the “Pareto principle”. In contrast to the Pareto principle, which states that 80% of the effect comes from 20% of the cause, I find that unless you enter 60-80% of efforts, you will not see more than 20% of potential effects.
The result comes when you have defeated your competitors, and I promise you that they put more than 20%.
The purpose of this “webslog” is to document the week and months that enter the campaign for making a link, at least as far as the way I do it.
Four Entry Journal: The Responses
Of course, every now and then you will get an angry message … Wait, no. I haven’t received one after sending 100 in my first email.
If you are really polite, don’t lie about “Oh, I like your article so much blah blah”, and only offers a quick solution for them, in the worst people will only ignore emails.
On some rare occasions, someone will be angry, and your best response is to just say “Sorry for this inconvenience. I hope you have a wonderful day!” And continue.
I will say this. I mentioned using the Grasshopper for the previous telephone number.
I use my real name, a real email address related to the domain that I built a link, and the script where I explained that I have a site that has relevant content.
When people at the end of the recipient’s email see that you are a real person, they are much less likely to treat you badly. Maybe they might still ignore you, but they won’t be evil.
Three Entry Journal: Build Up That Register
Alright, it’s time to build a list of contacts for outreach. If you remember, the strategy I used was a variant of the damaged link building. This means that my target is all sites that link to the damaged URL.
So, my first step will only get every potential link that I can find. Apart from my loyalty to Moz, I am always clear that sometimes you need all tools. To maximize this whole process, you need to get backlink data from each provider.
Yes, this can be expensive, but think about how much you have to pay for a link, and then think about how much service costs from this SaaS tool.
In most cases, only getting one or two links from the exports they provide makes it valuable. Here are the provisions that I have pictures of:
- Moz.
- Majesty
- Ahrefs.
- Semrush.
- OpenLinkProfiler.
- Webmeup.
There are several personal data sources that I use too, but this is quite comprehensive.
Two Entry Journal: Interference begins
It took less than 24 hours after writing the first blog post for me to see that the December core update would bring havoc on my site.
As a site that is quite new with high encyclopedical content, I hope the selection of keywords that I target to be a difficult selling until I build several equities and significant link authorities
For several days, I witnessed my traffic taking 75%. I admit it is a sufficient heartbreaking disadvantage. I am very excited about this project (as in line with Mozcon Talk Esse Quam Videri).
I have resources to make something great and momentum to boot. But if there is one lesson I learned in SEO for the past 15+ years, is that if you know what you are doing is right, don’t stop due to updates. Keep. Move. Continue.
So, everything is full of steam in front. The process of building a contact list has begun with a mixture of some of the main tools that I will talk about in my next post. Until then, don’t let the man drop you up. You have this.
Journal entry one: one day
The first day is almost always the best day. This is the day of preparation. This day you buy a gym membership, buy tons of real whey protein and protein shaker bottles, weigh yourself – in all the reality you don’t achieve anything, but feel like you have done so much.
The first day is important because it can provide momentum and clean the path to success, but also presents a motivational problem that is very disproportionate to success.
It is possible that your first day will be the most contributed regarding motivation and results.
However, I think the third component here is motivation.
Although most of the rand tracks provide, I think there are some important differences, the first is that, in the first few days, your motivation will be high even though it has no results.
Your motivation might go down very quickly and become parallel with the rest of the “business” line on the chart, but you get the point.
It is important to maintain your motivation during the “slog”, and the trick is to decide on your motivation from your ROI and attach it to the destination that can be achieved that leads to ROI.
That’s a very difficult thing to do.
Okay, so, the first day of preparation.
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